Consciously Co-Creating

You are Sacred.

You are multidimensional. 

Your unique journey has already begun.

You have felt the light radiate from within but if you are honest, you never actually BELIEVED you could create the life you have felt could exist.  Dear one, your search for the ultimate space to bring your MANY facets into the light of the world is over. You are HERE. You have ARRIVED, and your gifts are NEEDED. 

You BELONG here simply because you KNOW you do.  And as you recognize your desire to be a CHANGE AGENT for compassion and humanity through each connection, you create a new world - a world powered with bold abundance, radical self-love, and magical COLLABORATION.

You are READY. It is TIME. Let the MAGIC unfold.


To the MAGICAL soul reading these words...

You are awakening to why you were created. That is why you are here. I sense your desire to go all the way in and KNOW yourself in your most authentic essence. 

Oh, and that nervousness you feel, it's okay.  It's to be expected, because you are threatening your old conditioning with a whole new narrative.  One that actually will manifest what you deeply desire.

Hear me now.  I am celebrating YOU because you listened to your knowing and you arrived here.

Can you imagine what will transform FOR you when you connect with the KNOWING that you have something breathtakingly unique to share?

What might be created through you because you leaned into the WHOLENESS of you?

Can you start to feel that is is ACTUALLY POSSIBLE?

Can you sense something WILDLY extraordinary is being created?


Okay. Let’s begin.

Meet Ange

are you ready to

Explore your unique truth,

Answer the yearning in your heart...

Journey into your aligned calling,

And collaborate with other magnificent souls? 

Yes! I'm ALL in.

Be seen. Be heard. Be known.

Share Your Wild Ideas

We exist to love and encourage you as you connect with your unique potential - to feel exquisitely supported as you share your wildest dreams. Speak life into your most audacious dreams and know you are valued, respected and seen in this space.  You are loved.  You are worthy.  Simply by BEing you.

Receive Feedback & Support

Something magical happens when you share with others about your most vulnerable thoughts and ideas.  When you co-create in this space you'll receive the support your soul has been calling for.  However, it will look unlike how you may think it should.  Instead, it will initiate the abundance you have always hoped for but never believed was actually possible, FOR YOU.

Dive Deep & Grow

This is a space for for you as you desire to go deeper within your own truth, passion and being. Beyond, a more abundant business. Beyond, a more powerful relationship. Beyond, a more expanded vision. Beyond the fears that hold you back.  Beyond the wounds and traumas.  There you will discover the most magical path.



Workshops, events, retreats and experiences designed to facilitate connection,

co-creation and expansion in ALL facets of life.



Join the Ubuntu CommUNITY

Ubuntu is a beautiful African word that means, "I am because you are.  You are because I am."

Come as you are. Seriously.  All of you is welcome here.  The 'pretty parts' as well as the unfiltered parts.  All OF IT. 

If you're ready to explore, we are ready to welcome you!  You can access our video resources, daily thoughts and meditations, and be invited to grow into the FULLEST expression of YOU.

Learn more

BE(coming) YOU Podcast

Who are you BEcoming as you create your best life? This podcast is filled with inspiration and soul food to BEcome authentically YOU.

Learn more

Meet Our Community

Julia Miller
By Julia Miller 11 Mar, 2024
Ubuntu…I AM because you ARE. The Ubuntu Community has been a catalyst for many changes within my life, without anything around me changing at all - apart from my mindset. I have had the privilege of seeing the development of the Ubuntu CommUNITY from both an insider perspective (working with Angela within her Fuhrman Creative marketing team) and an experience of the Ubuntu CommUNITY as a member of the original group. I’m so excited to share a piece of my story with you today! 
Finding joy in unexpected places | Co-creating blog
By Phelisters Juma Oduor 14 Sep, 2023
This year was the first year I celebrated my birthday ever, in my whole life. I took this opportunity to spread happiness in an orphanage and have fun with the kids and give them whatever I could. If you do something good for someone in need, then you will raise their spirits along with your own. They just need to feel that there is someone who shows concern towards them. That's a big enough reason to bring them happiness!
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"Allowing yourself the space to go within is where you meet your truth." 

-Dr.Angela Marick

Follow along and get inspired @drangelamarick

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