Consciously Co-Creating

Birthday Celebrations from the Heart

Phelisters Juma Oduor • September 14, 2023

Sometimes giving brings the most happiness...

If you do something good for someone in need, then you will raise their spirits along with your own. They just need to feel that there is someone who shows concern towards them. That's a big enough reason to bring them happiness!

My name is Phelisters Juma Oduor and I was born on August 19th, 30 years ago. For me it is the day when I am made to feel very important, but this year was the first year I celebrated my birthday ever, in my whole life.  I took this opportunity to spread happiness in an orphanage and have fun with the kids and give them whatever I could.

We had great fun with the kids singing and dancing as they sang birthday songs for me. I cut the cake and shared with the kids which was such a happy moment. Below are photos from the orphanage where we ate cake, sang, and played.

I am seriously excited about my involvement in the community. Helping someone selflessly and seeing that you can be of value to someone is truly satisfying. It satiates my soul and gives me peace, and that is my passion.

The thing which my soul is seeking is happiness, the sparkle of achievement in the eyes of those children when they would gain knowledge and realize that their life is worthwhile.

My visit to the orphanage was a fulfilling experience for me as I came back home with not only memories but also some valuable lessons. You start appreciating the little things in life when you see people who don't have them.

It is my dream to give back to the community, and I always believe in God. I trust that my dream of helping many kids, souls, and having somewhere I can accommodate the homeless will come true.

- Phelisters Oduor


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